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realitaets büro   
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Indoor demonstration of downhill positions
collaborative work. Anja Uhlig / realitaetsbüro invited by Christina Maria Pfeifer
10. - 14. November 2011
La SchiLLerstrasse 51, 80336 München
Starting-point, invitation & concept by Christina Maria Pfeiffer / La SchiLLerstrasse
"With their performance Anja Uhlig and Christina Maria Pfeifer arrange an exchange in and with the space, associatively in the public. During a time span of 6 weeks they exchange images, texts, links, audio and video clips, visible on the web 2.0 to be virtually observed, commented and complemented. They continue with their free associations in a one-week installation phase, where they now act and interact in and with the real space. At the same time they are open for active interventions during a series of pre-openings where people can interfere who occasionally come by.
To get started Anja Uhlig and Christina Maria Pfeifer will refer to materials and works that are linked to their individual aesthetic processes and art concepts. Later in the performance more and more things and approaches will pop up that are enhanced by their free associations in and with the virtual and real space.
Anja Uhlig represents the realitaetsbüro that consciously works with the réalité trouvée in terms of locations, occurrences, objects and the relations in-between. Christina Maria Pfeifer takes as starting-point the Media Image and the orbital context of the exchange through media; she formally examines the organic-archaic in difference to the artificial. At the opening rumpen alias Anton Kaun will interact in a noise perfomance with the results."
Info on: La SchiLLerstasse 51 »click here
Exchange on facebook: La SchiLLerstrasse »click here